Tuesday, August 5, 2008

This Blog Is Movin'!

I've just moved this blog to a new website address:


In a few months I will probably delete this address. All of the old posts and comments were transferred, though.

Friday, July 25, 2008


This is a scan of an inkwash drawing I made back in May. It's sort of boring and dull, but hey, that's Grayville!.

Friday, July 18, 2008

General Update

I have been 'off the clock" so to speak with art for a couple of weeks now and have been caught up in a bunch of different things, like moving to a new apartment, spending time with family, makin' the bacon, et cetera.

One thing I've jumped back into is Flash, web, and computer programming. I've been brushing up on my ActionScript 2.0 knowledge, learning ActionScript 3.0, learning C++, among other programming type stuff. It's fun!

Also, I have recently learned that I am not very good with matting and framing, so I've been learning about that, too.

I am going to post an update on a piece I had been working on about a month ago pretty soon here, so stay tuned!

Monday, June 23, 2008

New online store

I now have an online store, through Etsy.com (mikemoore.etsy.com). Check it out and buy somethin' why dontcha!?!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

The Future

I decided to forgo the business card on the previous post for a different one, but then got sidetracked and set the type for a Rainer Maria Rilke poem, called The Future. I haven't counted the edition yet, but it is somewhere between 150-250. They are each about 3.5" x 4". Let me know if you want one and I'll mail it to you!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Type Setting - Business Card Proofs

Here are some images of the proofs and type I set for my new business cards! I spent most of my time familiarizing myself with the layout of the type cases. The type here hasn't been used in a very long time, so it is somewhat disorganized. I proofed the type by hand, so the actual print is inconsistent--but it looks like I spelled everything correctly! Next step is to print them on the Kelsey platen press. I might actually go back and add some spaces in my name and maybe try to put my website address on it too.

This is the type set inside of the composing stick.

The type is surrounded and padded with wood pieces, called "furniture" and two metal wedge-shaped objects, called "quoins".

Here are a few images of the type cases. That piece of paper is my "cheat sheet" that tells me where the type goes inside of the case.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Kelsey Excelsior 5 x 8

Here is the second press I am learning about. This is the one that (hopefully) I will print business cards on:

Here is a page on the history of the Kelsey:

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Vandercook Universal 1

I just started learning how to use this:

It's a Vandercook Universal 1 Proofing Press. Val Lucas has been teaching me and some other people at Towson University how to use it. There is another press that we are learning, too, called the Kelsey Excelsior table top printing press. I will hopefully be making business cards on it this Thursday.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Hex House Photographs

Since I probably won't post new images for a bit, I thought I'd share some old ones, from my Flickr account. These are photos I captured while helping my friend Mike Zombek out with his documentary about witchcraft in Pennsylvania.


Jessie and Mathew

Hex House


Public Sale

Hex House

Hex House
So, I finished up my first semester of graduate school in early May. I'm moving across the city towards the end of June, so most of my energy will be focused on packing for now. I am hitting the studio about three to four times a week, but I'm experiencing after-semester withdrawal and a minor case of the 'ol artist's block.

I have a few ideas for new work, so I'll post any progress as soon as possible. For now, I thought I would end with a really beautiful poem by the German poet Rainer Maria Rilke, called

The Future

The future: time's excuse
to frighten us; too vast
a project, too large a morsel
for the heart's mouth.

Future, who won't wait for you?
Everyone is going there.
It suffices You to deepen
the absence that we are.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Ye 'ol animations

Here are two animations from way back in 2005. I made them as a senior undergraduate student. I'm currently trying to get a bunch more uploaded to youtube.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Bigger is Better

This is an ink wash over a working proof of my new copper etching. It is 22 inches x 32 inches. I raised the levels and contrast in photoshop a bit. It's a preliminary sketch for the aquatinting that I plan on doing.

Monday, April 14, 2008

The Eye's Have It!

This is a three plate color etching. I am currently working on a background for this piece.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Finite Etching, 6th State

Here is the 6th state of the previously posted etching. It's getting very close to where I want it to be. Once it is finished I will take a better quality digital photograph of it and post it.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Working Proofs

4th State

3rd State

Original Sketch

These are images of an etching that I have been working on. It's becoming somewhat of an experiment. I'll upload the 5th state soon. I was thinking about finality and the opposition of geometric versus organic forms when I first sketched this out.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Putting your "all" into it.

I originally drew this one year ago and had planned on turning it into a screen print, but my job duties at the time got in the way. I put it on hold until about two weeks ago, and, having recently been introduced to Adobe Illustrator, I took a stab at coloring it digitally. My favorite part about using Illustrator was the fact that I could change the color of each line individually. It was a whole lot of fun and I'm pretty happy with the result. I hope that you enjoy it too! (but would love constructive criticism if you have it!). Clicking on the image will open a larger version of it (which works on all posts, by the way).

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Isometric Seated Figure

I made this in Adobe Illustrator from a sketch that I drew. It is supposed to be a seated figure with folded hands and a bowed head. I was reading about isometric perspective, so that is what type of perspective I used here.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Laughing Monsters

Just a silly sketch I made yesterday. I might try to make some of these characters into woodcuts.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Value Study for Etching

This is a value study for an etching I am working on. The sky is not how it will look. Will post that soon.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Etching Mockup

This is the beginning of a 12" x 12" copper plate etching. I have etched this line drawing into the plate and the next step is to add lighting. I am working on some value studies right now.

Sunday, February 24, 2008


This is a watercolor sketch that I recently painted. It's very loosely based off of a temple in Kashmir that I found in a Hindu art and architecture book. I'm just starting with watercolor again and this is how I'm getting used to it.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Almost finished!

I'm almost finished with the new screen print. If the fates allow, I will have ten shiny new prints for the BMA print fair by 2:00 AM! I will take a photo and post it A.S.A.P. This is the largest image I have ever printed before and it has been a learning experience.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Color Mock-Up

Here are two digital color mock-ups for the drawing in the previous post. I am cutting each layer on rubylith right now. Hopefully in about a week I will have a finished print to post.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

I'm Back

Here's a drawing I made this week, for a silkscreen print. I'm going to make a small edition that will be on sale at the Baltimore Museum of Art's Print Fair, at the end of February. Sometime soon I will have the final version posted.